Can watching a funny video during the school day help improve a student’s work? It just might.
At this year’s annual Experimental Biology conference, scientists found that when people laugh, their brains are used in almost the same way as when a person is meditating peacefully. The study was conducted by researchers at Loma Linda University. They measured the brainwaves and activity of 31 people when they watched a funny video, and again when they watched a more serious or stressful video. The scientists measured activity in nine parts of the brain and noticed that when watching the funny videos, people used all parts of their brain.
The device used to measure brain activity in this experiment is called EEG. EGG, or electroencephalography, measures electrical activity along the scalp. Gamma wave activity is associated with increased dopamine levels, and also putting the brains cognitive state at its most alert level. While watching funny videos, gamma waves are abundant. These gamma waves are proven to cause a feeling of reorganization and awareness. That’s why, after people meditate or are relieved of stress through comedy, they feel it is easier to solve problems or do work that they originally thought was difficult.
Not only can laughing help increase awareness, but scientists think it would have similar benefits to health that meditation has. These include reducing stress, blood pressure, and pain.
Most importantly for students like us, this study shows that laughing can help us increase our ability to effectively apply ourselves in school. For seniors, this is crucial especially in these final days of the school year. If you find yourself struggling, take a minute to watch a funny video or read a funny article online, you may find that it helps you out.
The effects of watching funny videos on student performance
April 29, 2014