This week students were asked about their favorite family activities. Read on to learn what they enjoy.

My favorite activity to do with family can be a multitude of different things. With my immediate family that I live with, usually, we might play a game whether it be a board game or a video game. Most of the time, my family will get with other family members for certain occasions or holidays, and we do a ton of different things. We could all play in a made-up game that someone had created. With my younger cousins, I tend to play a lot of different sports with them.

My personal favorite thing to do with family is obviously spending time with them. To go deeper into it I would say watching sporting events with my dad are definitely the thing I enjoy most. I also enjoy going to the grocery store with my mom to get a nice talk in. Most of the time I look forward to the personal conversations I have with my parents along with spending time with them.

My favorite activity to do with my family is going kayaking. Almost every member of my family has their own kayak, and we tend to go on at least three big trips when it’s nice out. We’ll do 15-mile trips down the Allegheny River that can take almost 10 hours at a time. It’s nice to just float and talk to my family members while I fish from the middle of a river. Another thing about kayaking is that my family is very big into fishing, atleast the guys are. Catching a fish from a kayak is so much more satisfying than from land. Depending on the fish you hook up with it could tow your kayak around like nothing is even there, and those are the most fun to do. We’ll sometimes even have my great aunt and uncle coming along in a canoe, and we call that canoe “the bar.” He holds all the coolers full of drinks and food if needed. Most of the time me and my cousin will control the speaker that gets passed around between kayaks. Once we get into the trip for a decent amount of time we’ll start singing along to older songs because that’s the only thing my uncles listen to. My favorite memory of kayaking with family is when we were 6 hours into a 10-hour long trip and my brother managed to not only tip his kayak and go under, but the kayak took in so much water that it sunk to the bottom in about six feet of water in the dead center of the river. Let’s just say I did a lot of talking and not a lot of helping.

My family’s favorite activity is to have cookouts and dinners. My family hasn’t been too big on going places like the beach or whatnot since the start of the pandemic. In order to compensate, we have started doing more cookouts and dinners to spend some time together and enjoy company. In the warmer months, we go either to my sister’s house or my mom’s house, and my father or my sister’s fiancé gets on the grill. When it starts to get colder, we often just order some takeout from Valerio’s and watch a movie or two. Cookouts and dinners are a fun and easy way to get to spend a day with each other, especially with most of my siblings who have moved out. We also sometimes play board games or cards while we wait or after we eat. As the summer arrives, we are definitely gonna have some cookouts soon.

I have a couple of activities I love to do with my family like having a bonfire, playing a corn hole tournament, or going out to eat, but my favorite family activity is definitely road trips. I love going on road trips with my family because they are always fun times and great chances to bond with each other. Family trips always have a ton of entertainment and great memories we can always talk about for the rest of our lives.

My favorite activity to do with my family is going on hockey trips. When I played travel hockey we got to go to a lot of new places like Chicago, Detroit, and many parts of Canada. It was always fun because with the time after or in between games, we would go find a restaurant or some activity in the city and hang out. A lot of my earliest memories came from those trips, and I’m very thankful to share those moments with my family.
What is your favorite thing to do with your family? Share your response in the comments.
Alexa Falcon • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:30 pm
My favorite activity to do with my family is going out to eat, playing, spending time with them. Alexa (SAT)
Alfredo Martinez • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:18 pm
The activities that I most enjoy doing with my family.
The first is to put together puzzles together.
Another activity is to watch movies and documentaries. When we do, we prepare trays with snacks.
I also enjoy watching European novels with my mother, for example Indian or Turkish. (SAT)
Lizbeth • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:13 pm
My favorite activity to do as a family is cooking, sometimes my family has free time and we make different dishes, usually on weekends. We. love to make pizza and we always divide the work, at the end the one who doesn’t help to make the pizza is in charge of the cleaning.
Evelin Garcia Najera • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:13 pm
My favorite activity with my family is to go to the movies and go out to eat on weekends. We also really like to go on vacation to my grandfather’s house. I like listen to music with my sister. I like to go shopping with my mom because we always have a good talk.
ALEJANDRA VIANEY PÉREZ FLORES • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:11 pm
My favorite activity with my family is watch a movies, play the lotería and cook with my mom because learn more recetas. (SAT)
Wendy Gabriel • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:10 pm
My favorite activity with to do my family is watching series and movies on weekends. We like to eat popcorn and drink coca cola.
Cristian Leyva • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:10 pm
My favorite activity to do my familie is watch movies on the couch. we buy food,popcorns and soda once everything is ready we chose wich movie to watch horror movies are our favorites.
Cesar alberto Guzman infante • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:10 pm
my favorite activity is practice sport ( baseboll or soccer )
Marieli Alarcon Otriz • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:10 pm
My favorite activity to do my family is eating. We like to watch movies. We also like board games. (SAT)
Alejandra Valencia de la Rosa • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:09 pm
Me and my family enjoy going to the park together on Sundays. We like to walk, play basketball and eat some chips or ice cream while we talk.
Osiris Velasco López • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:09 pm
My favorite activity with my family is having breakfast together. On Saturday nights we watch movies. Sometimes my brother and I go to the movie theater or go shopping. (SAT)
Alejandro • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:09 pm
My favorite activity with my family is cooking a barbecue on the weekend, we can speak about different subjects, also remember thinks about our family, when we were a kids. My family is big, take the breakfast, launch and dinner in parts, the house is big also the table, but the number of member is bigger than the capacity of those places. SAT CLASS
Jesus Rene Ramos Espinoza • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:08 pm
My favorite activity with my family is play video games. Go to the El Paso, Tx to buy and go to the cinema.
Every month we make roast meat. (SAT)
Evelin Garcia Najera • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:08 pm
My favorite activity with my family is to go to the movies and go out to eat on weekends. We also really like to go on vacation to my grandfather’s house. I like listen to music with my sister. I like to go shopping with my mom because we always have a good talk.
Bricia luz Jiménez Pascual • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:08 pm
My favorite activity to do with family is shopping on weekends, visiting mall or stores, I also like to go for a walk. I like to spend time with them at breakfast or when we meet. (SAT)
Sayra Lopez • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:07 pm
I like to spend time with my family after dinner and share about how was our day.
Also we like watch movies together and eat pop corn and pizza. When is the birthday of someone of my family we use come together and have a birthday cake and sing together the happy birthday and we take so many pictures together .
Natalia Chávez Avilés • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:06 pm
My favorite activities to do with my family are to watch movies together, to have cookouts and to go on trips. My family and I do a lot of things together and we are a very united, we also practice cycling together sometimes. But above all, the activity that I like to do the most with them is to tell jokes and laugh all together about them. (SAT)
Andrik ziga • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:06 pm
Hello my name is Andrik
My favorite activity to do with my family is go out and play soccer with my brothers and cousins. Also, get together to eat and socialize, as well as play board games. like UNO or monopoly.
When the family gets together, my grandmother prepares a delicious meal.(SAT)
Anette • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:05 pm
My favorite activity to do my family is watch of the different movies in my house. SAT
Fabian Castañeda • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:05 pm
I don’t have a lot activities to do with my family ‘cuse we dont live in the same city, but when we are together, we do things like, go to eat to the restaruants, make a delicios dinner, we talked about our lives, and we sharing memories to rembeber our happy/sad past. (SAT)
Erick Martinez Romero • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:05 pm
My favorite activity with my family is having breakfast on the weeknds with grandparents house, after we talk about the things that have happened during week
Karen • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:05 pm
My favorite attitude with my family, is being able to go out to eat on the weekends, also when we go on vacation to be able to see the landscapes, and be able to play and joke with each other and make beautiful memories. (SAT)
Natalia Chávez Avilés • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:04 pm
My favorite activities to do with my family are to watch movies together, to have cookouts and to go on trips. My family and I do a lot of things together and we are a very united, we also practice cycling together sometimes. But above all, the activity that I like to do the most with them is to tell jokes and laugh all together about them.
Luis Nuñez • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:04 pm
My favorite activity with my family is so simple: singing
This is ’cause my family and I prepare a homemade karaoke place every friday night. You know, like those popular korean stations with stroboscopic lights -well, not too much like this, but might think how- and a loot of food. Well, the case is, that we like to sing any kind of songs and all by these languages (even though we don’t know them).
Thaily Rocio Arriaga Bojorquez • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:04 pm
My favorite activity that I like to do with my family starts in August, when the football seasons start and I really enjoy watching the favorite team of the family play, San Francisco, and being angry if they miss a pass or getting excited because they went to the finals. I also really like to cook and that everyone eats the food I prepare, and another activity is to look at old novels and get angry every time the characters are unfaithful haha:) (SAT)
Karla Avila • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:04 pm
My favorite thing to do with my family is to travel, get to know new places and go out to eat together.
Cristian Leyva • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:00 pm
My favorite activity to do my familie is whatch movies on the couch the horror movie is my fovorite (SAT)
Cesar alberto Guzman infante • Feb 3, 2024 at 1:00 pm
my favorite activity is practice sport ( baseboll or soccer ) (sat)
Karla Avila • Feb 3, 2024 at 12:59 pm
My favorite thing to do with my family is to travel.
Alexa Falcon • Feb 3, 2024 at 12:59 pm
I like going out to eat with all my family
Cesar alberto Guzman infante • Feb 3, 2024 at 12:59 pm
my favorite activity is practice sport ( baseboll or soccer )
Guadalupe Mendoza • Jan 25, 2024 at 9:02 pm
My favorite activity to do my family is watch of the different movies in my house. We do popcorn and soda. The movies usually watch is the romance and fiction, we need don’t sleep and the fiction we help.
I usually loved the movies of the terror but my family don’t like and never watched.
nazhly • Jan 25, 2024 at 8:59 pm
My favorite activity to do with my family is going to camping in Casas Grandes and Creel, look the river and enjoy delicious meals, that my mom cook.
play with my father and sister and look for the Cown in the town, in the night look the movies in my laptop.
(Hugo MTH) • Jan 25, 2024 at 8:57 pm
My favorite activity with my family is going to watch movies on weekends at the cinema or having “Carne asada” on sundays. My brothers and i play videogames line fortnite or Call of Duty. And we also like to take trips to El Paso Texas sometimes. (Hugo MTH)
Sael Berumen • Jan 25, 2024 at 8:56 pm
My favorite activity to do with family is have a dinner because we can talk about everything. I also enjoy to watch tv series and movies with they.
Jose Afredo Lozano • Jan 25, 2024 at 8:55 pm
The favorite activity to do with my family is take road trips to unknown places for me, because i want to adventures and beautiful moments with ours, visit ¨los filtros¨ in camargo city in chihuahua state in mexico are the most favourite activity, we can diving and enjoy the ice cold beers after diving and cooking fried fishes, theese trips are very fun for me since 2003 i was eight years old, the best moments are living in family.
Jose Alfredo (MTH)
Sofía Torres • Jan 25, 2024 at 8:52 pm
My favorite thing to do with my family is going on car rides or roadtrips. It´s so much fun because we laugh a lot, sometimes my sister and I connect our phones to the car to listen to music. My dad always tells jokes and my mom always has some gossip to tell us about something, and we buy food to enjoy during the ride. I always look forward to them because I know I´m going to have a good time.
Julissa Vargas • Jan 25, 2024 at 8:50 pm
My favorite activity to do with my family is watch movies, when I was a child my dad and mom watched a lot of animated movies with me, they watched the same movie a lot of times only because it was my favorite movie, in fact my favorite movie I saw with they in the movie teather this is some of the rason than I love animated movies (Julissa)
Gabriela jaquez • Jan 25, 2024 at 8:50 pm
My favorite activity to do with my family is watching the movies and eating popcorn. Also my favorite activity is watching my mom cooking dinner with my sisters from the same time talking about gossips or something funny to happen in the weekend.
(Gabriela MTH)