This week students wrote about their taste in music. Here’s what our staff enjoys most:
Kwame Anim-Somuah
My favorite genre of music is rap music. Although I like all types of music, such as alternative pop, classical, and sometimes country, I feel that I have always had a better connection to rap music. From the understanding of lyrics and different beat structures to hearing multiple rhythms and flows, the versatility of rap is quite unmatched in some ways. You can listen to lyrical rap, which is more storytelling and free flowing than regular rap, which can get you hyped up for a big game.
Lindsay Armanini
My favorite genre of music is constantly changing. I listen to a lot of old and current rap, especially 90s and 2000s rap when I am at swim practice or working out. When I am by myself, the genre I listen to really depends on the mood I Did You Know That There’s A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd‘am in. I enjoy classic rock from the 70s and 80s when with my family or feeling happy or upbeat. When I feel more relaxed and quiet, I listen to more alternative and folk genres, featuring songs with soft, instrumental melodies and more of a downbeat undertone. My favorite of all at the current moment is alternative-pop and folk-pop from Lana Del Ray’s Did You Know That There’s A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd? to Lizzy McAlpine’s first two studio albums called Give Me A Minute and Five Seconds Flat, Phoebe Bridgers’s Stranger in the Alps, and even Taylor Swift’s folk albums called Folklore and Evermore. This genre transports me into a different world and gives me both a sense of peace and of belonging amidst the craziness of everyday life.
Tyler Chermack
My favorite music genre is R&B or rap. I like these music genres because they give me a sense of joy while listening to them. I have grown very fond of the R&B genre because I love the way it sounds. I like to listen to a variety of different rap music for when I’m getting hyped up for a game or event. I love listening to music. It is one of my favorite things to do, and those are the two genres I listen to the most.
Josie Dufala
My favorite genre of music is rock music. Rock is such a versatile genre with so many different styles over the year. My favorite era of rock music is probably 70s or 80s rock. Some of my favorite bands are Fleetwood Mac, Queen, and Pink Floyd. I also really enjoy Elton John, David Bowie, and Prince.
Lauren Middleton
This upcoming year for Lent I will be investing more time into prayer. This will allow God to come forward in my life and help me to stand on the firm foundation He has placed for me. I will be taking that step in my everyday life. This event will help bring me closer to God in this Lenten season. I will also be giving up chocolate as a sacrifice just as Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins. I eat chocolate everyday, so this will be a sacrifice.
John Santone
I listen to a lot of different genres of music, from 70s or 80s songs my relatives liked, to alternative indie music that my sister showed me. I like different kinds of rock and a little bit of pop music. However, I am partial to rap and hip-hop music. I like the beats and the rhythmic uniqueness of each artist. The addicting lyrics and the distinct flows make it my favorite for sure.
Dominick Scarpino
My favorite music genre is rock. I have always enjoyed listening to rock music for as long as I can remember. I would say that I also just really like electric guitar. Virtually all of my favorite songs have some sort of electric guitar in them. “Chelsea Dagger” and “Mr. Brightside” are my two favorite songs right now.
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