So far throughout the year, a few articles on science have popped up here and there. One of the more drastic and rare themes in science however has been taking a few leaps in possibilities recently. For a few years now, we have known about something called Quantum Entanglement. Basically, what this means is that two atoms or molecules have possible pairs out there in the world. If one of the two turns or spins one way, the other always guarantees that it will spin the opposite way instantly. An invisible bond with no delay whatsoever.
Scientists and students have been looking into how it may be possible to use something like this. There has been the general knowledge that making these pairs is difficult but not impossible. One method is to fire a high powered laser through certain types of crystals, generating these paired molecules. Well, what can we do with them?
Quantum Communications. Right now for our communications, we either have wireless signals through satellites, or a wired connection which runs beneath the ocean on super-fast cable types. Fiber Optics. The idea came out that using these paired molecules. What if we could send data through them? The tiny delay from a cable would not exist at all if this was possible. You read what these paired molecules are doing at the send point, flip their actions, and you get an exact copy of the data that was sent in the first place.
How do you contain these paired atoms however? That was a problem which actually was not that difficult to figure out. Diamonds. A hard material, used in jewelry for it’s shine, and sometimes in tools because it’s difficult to break. These diamonds have a very tight structure in their molecular base; giving it it’s hardness. However sometimes there are microscopic caves inside of these diamonds. Why not store them inside the pockets? The method of getting these paired atoms into the diamonds is still unclear. However, this is foreshadowing that we may be onto a new development on how our data reaches one point to another.
Quantum Communications may make science fiction a reality
June 6, 2014