Times have changed. Maybe the third floor is still way too hot and the AP course load is way too stressful, but the fourth floor has air conditioning and The Rambler is available to all of us at anytime, via the World Wide Web. Tell your friends, tell your family; this is something we’re very excited about.
Recently, The Rambler, which, if you didn’t know, is Cathedral Prep’s very own student publication, has gone through what might be considered a reformation, or, perhaps, a restoration.
There was, unfortunately, a sad time in which no one, neither student nor teacher, cared about The Rambler. No more, we say.
Hopefully you noticed last year that a considerable amount of time was put into making our student publication what it was. Thirteen issues were released, and a multitude of subjects were covered, both staying within and stretching far beyond the confines of this establishment of secondary learning. There was, however, always room for improvement.
The medium through which our work was published, Apple’s iBook’s Author, performed much below the level at which we assumed it would perform at the beginning of the year. There wasn’t as much capability for platforms of multimedia as we had originally thought, and there were always problems with publishing it, sending it out, and making it available for non-iPad users.
So, here we are today, with this new website that we hope will take The Rambler to new heights. Because of its location on the Internet, not only can content be posted and viewed in a much easier fashion, pieces can be published in a much more timely manner. No longer will we have a single publishing date every 2-3 weeks. Our goal is to post new articles on a daily basis, and we hope that this website is one you check daily for new content.
Beyond our exciting new website, we have a staff committed to reporting and covering stories in as professional a manner as possible. We intend to be a credible news source that can be relied upon to cover any issue that arises in as unbiased an approach as possible.
For The Rambler to be as great as a success as it can be, though, we need your feedback. We need to know what your thoughts are on what we’re doing, and if there’s anything you would like to see written. Because of our location online, comments can be posted in direct response to any article posted onto the site. New this year is a Twitter handle just for The Rambler, @TheRamblerNews. Follow us on Twitter for tweets that will be sent out any time a new article is posted on the site, and maybe for some other cool things too.
Here at Cathedral Prep, we strive for excellence in all things we do. The Rambler is no longer an exception to this expectation. We staff members have high hopes for this publication; we know what it can be and are excited to put in the work to get it there. We hope you’re excited about it too. Great things are coming.
Welcome to TheRamblerNews.com
September 6, 2013

Mike Squeglia • Sep 8, 2013 at 6:41 pm
I like what you have done with the The Rambler taking it to the next level. I look forward to reading about what’s going on at Prep now that I am gone.
Mr. Alexa • Sep 6, 2013 at 11:33 am
I would like to have the upcoming Intramural Miniature Golf Outing put in the paper. The outing is planned for Thursday September 19th at 4pm. We will play at Harborview Miniature Golf Course on State St. just north of the Bayfront Parkway. A round of golf along with pizza and pop is include in the price of $6. E-mail Mr. Alexa to sign up. Deadline is Wednesday September 18th. All Students, Faculty, Staff, and Administration are invited to attend from both Prep and Villa.