On Friday, the Cathedral Prep hallways were buzzing, and it wasn’t just by word of mouth. Cell phones made their “legal” debut to the hallways of Prep as a one time special fundraiser for the Ian Fund, which benefits injured Prep football player and wrestler Ian Malesiewski.
To participate in the highly anticipated “Cell Phone Friday” students had to pay $4 in advance to their first period teachers before Friday. Those who procrastinated had to pay $8.
Many students though didn’t mind giving up some cash for a day of cell phone use. Prep junior Max Bloomstine commented, “It’s not about the cost because I know it’s going towards an extremely important cause, and I think that this is a good opportunity to try something new.”
After paying, students were given a green wristband to show faculty that they had paid the fee and were allowed for cell phone use throughout the day but with some restrictions. Students weren’t allowed to use them in class unless given permission to do so by a teacher or they would be given a cell phone citation.
“I think this has been something we have been missing here at Prep. Most other high schools allow cell phone use, and I’m glad we are getting a taste of what it’s like,” said junior Alex Welz.
Others, just weren’t as convinced that this was such a good move. Mr. Baltzer, who was having a friendly wager with Mr. Pituch, on who could catch more students abusing the cell phone policies on Friday had this to say. “I just don’t think cell phones are a good idea. They can only use them for a very small fraction of the day, and it’s just going to distract students more than they already are.”
Freshman Robbie Lupo decided to play the devil’s advocate on Mr. Baltzer’s claim. “The majority of students know how to control themselves in the classroom and won’t abuse having a cell phone in class. The ones who will abuse the cell phone are the ones finding new games and apps on the iPad’s to distract themselves anyway.”
Friday delivered a new experience for faculty and students alike. Though many students enjoyed the idea of a cell phone friendly rule at Prep, others are just looking to meet in the middle. Senior Brain Buseck commented, ” I understand not being allowed to use phones during the school day, but off and in your locker is a little extreme; I think that off in your book bag is reasonable, it’s not distracting and it saves having to make stops at your locker.”
Prep students participate in Cell Phone Friday
October 17, 2016
Daniel Anthony • Oct 20, 2016 at 11:13 pm
Wait until you get to college to find that both your housing facility and all of your academic buildings have zero cell service whatsoever. Prep was secretly training me the past four years with its zero cell phone tolerance policy for this moment.