On Wednesday, Sept. 5, an anonymous Op-Ed article was published in the New York Times from an insider of the White House declaring the “inner resistance” against President Trump from his own administration. The author of the article claims to be seeking only the best for the success of America. They also expressed their concern of the damage President Trump’s comments can have on the strength of the values this country stands on.
In an interview with CNN, it is reported that White House counselor Kellyanne Conway claimed that “Trump believes the individual is someone from the national security sector of the government.” Although the president and other members of the house are beginning to narrow down the culprit, their identity is still unknown to nearly everyone, except for Trump ex-campaign manager, Michael Caputo.
Caputo claims to know the author of the Op-Ed who targets President Trump’s “amorality” as a danger to his decision-making for the nation. In a separate interview with CNN, Caputo supported his claim of knowing the author by expressing his knowledge of a specific member of the house and how she “purged [her] entire office of Trump people” and has gone as far as to “scream about [Trump] in their own private office.” Though he vowed to keep the author’s identity anonymous, Caputo may have slipped up a bit under the pressure of the interview when he revealed that the insider was a she. By simply releasing the author’s gender, Caputo may have helped narrow the search down even more for the White House, rather than helping keep the author’s identity classified.
According to the Op-Ed, many senior officials are working together to find any way possible to get the president out of office. Having seen what the “resistance” has from the president, there were early plans to invoke the 25th Amendment to get him out of office. Along with invoking the 25th Amendment comes a complicated process, of which helped the inside-opposition realize that none of their forces wanted to “precipitate a constitutional crisis.” Without invoking the 25th Amendment. though, the rebels of the White House are stuck at a crossroads and cannot really establish removal of the president, but have stated by their representative author of the NYT Article that they will do everything they can to push the White House administration toward the “right direction” until in some way, somehow, the presidency of Donald Trump is concluded or terminated.
Section IV of the 25th Amendment states: “Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.” Meaning; the vice president, along with a majority decision of those apart of the executive or other major Congressional branch of The House, are permitted to express their concern of the president being incapable of fulfilling their duties required of the President of the United States.
The “Resistance” Inside the White House: Op-Ed published to the New York Times
September 13, 2018