Every year Cathedral Prep and Villa Maria Academy have their annual Giving Day to promote a spirit of giving back among the student body. On this day all students, parents, faculty, and alumni are encouraged to help donate some money to the school.
Something Prep and Villa really take pride in is that we have a strong brotherhood and sisterhood, respectively, and we always look out for each other. That’s what giving day is really about, “looking out for each other.” When students and alumni donate money it comes back to help in a big way not only for the school but for current and future students. Without things like Giving Day, tuition would be higher, and it would be extremely challenging for parents to send their kids here.
This year, each grade level also competed against one other on Giving Day to win the Mission Cup and a day off of school on January 2nd. Whatever class ended up with highest percentage of students that donated would win the cup. To motivate students to donate even more there was a deal put in place that even if your class did not win you could still earn that day off of school by reaching your class’ money goal. The money mark for each class was $5 multiplied by the amount of students in the grade. Another incentive to donate was that you would be rewarded with a free dress down day. Each grade this year ended up reaching their goal and earned a day of school off. The results were as follows:
1st place: Freshmen (80%)
2nd place: Sophomores (70%)
3rd place: Seniors (60%)
4th place: Juniors (58%)
$3,727 was the total amount of money raised by the student body. Freshmen Christian Gordon spoke about his class participating the most by saying, “I am proud that my class raised as much as they did, and that we set a good example of how to give back to our brothers.” Giving day is a great reflection of how, we, at Prep and Villa love to help our fellow brothers and school.
Prep and Villa Giving Day 2018
December 4, 2018