Every teacher has had to adjust to an entirely different style of approaching their teaching during these rough times for society and complex times for schools and education. Mr. Haller is among the faculty at Prep adjusting to remote access instruction. Mr. Haller, who teaches freshman and sophomore English, is changing the way he teaches his students so that they can comfortably and responsibly get through the last quarter of the 2019-2020 school year.
He sends an email that contains all the work and the lessons for the week. Around this time of the school year, he and many other teachers are also searching for missing late work from students. Mr. Haller is being much more creative in general to help the students meet his expectations. One example was having students present their 1984 by George Orwell projects. They created their own cities and presented the projects virtually using Microsoft Teams. Mr. Haller enjoys Teams, where he can manage his class with proper order using all the management options the app has.
In addition to teaching a variety of English classes, Mr. Haller is in charge of the yearbook class which consists of all seniors. For the past two weeks, students have been sending their work setups to the yearbook staff. To wrap things up for the final quarter, the seniors are working diligently on a tribute for the late Jack Schoenig who will be in our hearts forever.