This week our staff was asked if they are an early bird or a night owl. If our staff is any indication, the trend for teenagers is clear: night owls rule.

I most definitely consider myself a night owl. I can’t tell why, but I think it may have been because of all those hours staying up late during quarantine. It also doesn’t help much when it comes to my anxiety, and I end up doing other things for a long time to calm myself down before I go to sleep. There are definitely pros and cons to being a night owl; unfortunately, I’ve seen a lot more cons.

I would consider myself a night owl mainly because I’m not a morning person. Mornings for me are awful, and I have no idea why. I would also consider myself a night owl because on the weekends I’m usually up past 2 a.m. On occasion, I’ll have a good morning where I feel extra energized but most of the time it feels like I’m rolling out of bed two hours into my day. I hope later in life I can consider myself an early bird, but right now I can’t see it happening.

I am definitely a night owl. I have a really hard time waking up in the morning and getting moving, even if I slept eight hours the night before, and I usually need a couple of cold brews to feel motivated. I could feel sluggish all day long and feel suddenly motivated to worry about any of my responsibilities as soon as it’s around 10:00-11:00. It’s kind of a problem that I enjoy being up late at night when it’s quiet and I can just listen to my music and hang out with myself because I don’t want go sleep, which might be the reason why I have trouble waking up. You would probably catch me in a better mood around midnight instead of 7 a.m. on any given day.

I would consider myself quite the night owl when it comes to being awake at night. My mom likes to say that I’m nocturnal like a bat or something. It’s not because I sleep all day. I just have what I guess you could call a gift of needing little sleep for a lot of energy. Power naps are my favorite because I can sleep for an hour and wake up completely rejuvenated. I’m not sure if others are able to do this, or if it’s because I’m just young and don’t require a lot of sleep. During the summertime is when I really become a night owl because I stay up till around 3 a.m. almost every night unless I have work early in the morning, then I’m only up till around 1. Lastly, I think having a computer at my fingertips in the form of my phone makes it much more difficult for me to go to sleep.

I would consider myself more of a night owl. Every morning, no matter how much sleep I get, it’s very hard for me to get out of bed. It’s very relaxing and so hard to leave, especially during the cold months under the covers. During COVID my sleep schedule was all outta wack, and I often found myself doing homework later and later in the nights. I would usually start at around 11 p.m. and end at 1 a.m. and go to sleep around 3 or 4 a.m. I thought it coincided with my way of working and it was actually quite soothing working in silence and darkness. I didn’t have to worry about people interrupting me or having chores to do. I could just get the chance to sit down and do work. It was probably a time where I just had better overall work ethic. For me, I find it very hard to make it through mornings, so I would never consider myself a morning person.

I would say I can be both a night owl and an early bird sometimes, but I would go with a night owl. I say I am more of a night owl because if I want to stay up late on certain nights I can for sure, especially over quarantine. I would stay up until 4 or 5 in the morning watching shows like Outer Banks, playing Xbox, or on FaceTime with friends. Staying up late can be fun sometimes, as most of the time you can just relax and do what you want to do. Hanging out with friends on a late night is also a fun time.

I would consider myself a night owl because I do not enjoy waking up early and it’s easier to be a night owl because there are more hours in the night to be productive than in the morning.

I’d say that I’m a night owl. I like the peace and quiet at night time, and I feel like I can be more productive during that time of quiet. It’s hard for me to wake up because of it, but night time is a lot more peaceful for me. I also love driving at night because the roads are clear and it’s just good vibes.
Are you an early bird or a night owl? Share your response in the comments.