Villa’s annual Powder Puff game took place on Thursday, Oct. 14 on Villa’s back field. In this game, the Villa seniors went against the juniors in a classic game of flag football.
This tradition has been going on for many years at Villa. It is something for the underclassman to look forward to when they reach the upperclassman age. Parents, classmates, teachers, and friends can all watch this game take place right in Villa’s own backyard.
For both the seniors and the juniors, this game gets really competitive. A lot of the girls who play in the game are athletes already, and so they like to channel the motivation they use in their daily sports into Powder Puff as well. Since there is no girls football team at Villa either, this is the girls’ chance to show that they can play football just as well as anyone else.
All of these motivators aid in making Powder Puff one of Villa’s favorite traditions
Theology teacher Ms. Falk is a faculty adviser for the Powder Puff game. She oversees the entire event and her fellow science teacher Mrs. Deau helps as well. Ms. Falk has been advising Powder Puff for about five years, and she was super excited when it could return this year.
Over the years, the game has changed and improved, but the camaraderie and spirit has always been the same.
“Powder Puff is a lot of fun,” Ms. Falk said. “I love that other Villa students stay after school to watch the game. It’s also fun when parents, grandparents, and siblings of the players come to watch as well. Mr. Bell and Mr. Ek are our faithful referees, and I really enjoy watching them play an active role in the game as well. That is what Villa is all about: the teachers and the students coming together to have fun and to keep the traditions alive.”
She also mentioned just now much current Villa senior Lily Noonan helped with the event, and her hard work allowed it to move so smoothly.
Junior Mally Mourton was super excited to play in the Powder Puff game this year. She has been looking forward to this Villa tradition since she started as a freshman. She loved the fact that it was all girls, and she has always found football interesting and something she has enjoyed.
Her job in the game was defense. She had to stop the other team from getting the ball or taking a flag from the quarterback. So she would simply block a player on the other team from catching the ball or stop them from snagging a flag from her fellow juniors.
“My favorite part of Powder Puff was working together as a team and just having fun,” Mally said. “It was so fun to work together and try and come up with game plans!”
She also mentioned that the seniors pulled out a win this year against the Juniors with a score of 4-1.
Overall, Powder Puff this year was a massive success, and it could not have been done without Villa’s incredible faculty and students.