Christmas is a few short weeks away. Many people enjoy watching Christmas movies this time of year. Our staff wrote about their favorite Christmas movie. Read their selections and share yours with us in the comments.

My favorite Christmas movie is an original answer to most, Polar Express. I’m not a huge fan of most Christmas movies, but that one holds a special place in my heart. I’ve always loved the movie since I was a little kid, and I still do to this day. I still even have a replica of the same bell from the movie that I’ve had for years.
My favorite Christmas movie is Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas that came out in 2000. This is my favorite Christmas movie because it makes me laugh every time I watch it, and the message behind it is really important for kids to learn. Just because someone is different does not mean that they should be excluded or made fun of, and this movie is a lighthearted way to make that lesson understandable for kids. I love watching it with my dad because we can both basically quote it by heart. It is something I look forward to every holiday season, and that is why it is my favorite.
I have a lot of Christmas movies that I love to watch every year, but there’s one that stands out the most. That movie is called White Christmas. Even though it’s an older movie, it’s still enjoyable and gets you in the holiday spirit. The reason it’s my favorite is because me and my family always sit around and watch the movie each year. This movie holds a special place in my heart, and I’ll always think of it whenever I think back on Christmas memories with my family.
My favorite Christmas movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas by Tim Burton. The stop-motion-animated world of Halloween Town and Christmas Town are both so developed and satisfying to watch come together. The characters have been carefully crafted and I think they induce a dreamlike state. My favorite is Sally.
My favorite Christmas movie of all time is a movie called Fred Claus. This movie’s comedic cast include Vince Vaughn, Paul Giamatti, and Kevin Spacey, all who are extremely funny actors and make a good cast for a comedy movie. I watched this movie when I was younger, and I have grown up watching it every year. I just absolutely love the humor of the main character being Santa’s older brother. The jokes that are made along with the sentimentality of the ending make for a great film.
Of all the Christmas movies ever made there are some big time classics. Some include It’s a Wonderful Life, Elf, Fred Claus, and many more. But for me no movie will ever compare to National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Christmas Vacation is a classic movie made in 1989, starring Chevy Chase aka Clark Griswold as the main character. It’s filled with funny moments that will leave you and your family in tears while watching. Christmas Vacation is a classic that you have to watch if you haven’t already.
My favorite Christmas movie is either Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer or Home Alone. Rudolph is an option because of the lesson that’s taught from the storyline and Home Alone for no other reason than the thrill that comes with it. Rudolph teaches younger kids to be inclusive and to never leave someone out because of their differences. It’s overall a good movie besides the fact that it’s meant to inspire a younger audience. Home Alone is one of the movies that every kid can put themselves into and act as if they’re in that situation. Every kid that’s watched has thought about that being them alone to defend their house. The best Christmas movie is arguably these two
My favorite Christmas movie is definitely National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. This is my favorite movie because it is really funny. I also like this movie because my family and I watch it every year during the Christmas holiday. It’s fun to watch this movie because it shows how passionate some people can be during the holidays. Also, it shows how much a father cares about the well-being of his family at Christmas.
What is your favorite Christmas movie? Share your response in the comments.