Gannon University meets with seniors

November 18, 2022
Cathedral Prep’s Senior class was fortunate to hear from Gannon University on Nov. 7 in the H. David Bowes Auditorium, as representatives presented the opportunities Gannon offers.
President Keith Taylor spoke about its leading position regionally. He praised The Environaut, which is the only educational vessel belonging to a university in Lake Erie. He also mentioned that facilities like IHACK have been recently updated/created and that the school is looking ahead in terms of engineering and innovation.
Julie Lapiska, Associate Director of Admissions, encouraged seniors to apply sooner rather than later. She also spoke about how even though Gannon is close to home, it offers many opportunities. With majors in over 100 specialties, it has more to offer than most realize.
The two institutions have had a long history, through the Dual Enrollment Program. Seniors and juniors have had the opportunity to take classes at Gannon, earning college credit, while still being in high school.
Upperclassman Megan Kelly participates in the Dual Enrollment Program.
“I’m lucky to be able to take college classes and better myself academically,” Megan said.
Senior Theresa Stull also attended the presentation.
“I have been accepted to Gannon,” Theresa said. “The application was straightforward, and I appreciate the active role the school has taken to assure me of my college decision.”
Also in attendance was 12th grader Dina Dinh.
“I want to go into nursing,” Dina said. “Gannon seems like the right fit for me.”
Just for attending Cathedral Prep, a Catholic high school, students receive the Diocesan High School Grant of $3,000. For being an active member of a Catholic parish in the Diocese of Erie, Pa., students receive $2,000.
Gannon University holds an open house for prospective students, Nove. 19 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.