Students reminded about uniform requirements

January 26, 2023
2023: the year of change. The new year has brought about many happy spirits amongst people and many starting to hold themselves accountable. At Prep, students are taught to become great men and women of excellence. Part of this excellence and tradition is dressing the part as well. One study says, “Dress-up encourages creative thinking and communication skills. It also helps kids practice language development and their social skills.”
Prep’s administrative team of Mr. Pituch, Mr. Herbstritt, and Mrs. Seip are striving to start cracking down on uniform checks throughout the school.
“With the Christmas Holiday and New Year approaching, we have a few items that need to be addressed when it comes to uniforms and grooming,” Mr. Pituch said in a statement emailed to the student body. “Flynn O’Hara, our uniform company, has informed us that nearly all previously backordered items should be shipped and/or delivered. With that, all students should be in uniform sweaters, quarter zips, pants, skorts, and shirts. Being out of uniform will be more strictly enforced upon return from the break.”
Students at Prep are also being informed that rules will become more strict on the grooming aspect of it all, especially the men. Hair is to be out of the eyebrows and above the collar, not unkempt and neat as a whole. Braids and twists may be worn in student’s hair; however, it must, at all times, be neat and tidy and not extend to the brow, neck or over the ears.
Finally, as students we are encouraged to hold each other accountable. The students are the people who build this schools legacy. Serving each other with integrity and respect will make us stronger.