Fore! Two Cathedral Prep students receive prestigious scholarship

May 3, 2023
This year, two students from Cathedral Preparatory School received the prestigious Evans Scholarship. Matthew Costa and Reece Johnson both received the scholarship after caddying at Kahkwa for the past few years. This scholarship includes full tuition and housing costs being covered throughout their four years. While there are many options for colleges and universities given by the scholarship, both Matt and Reece chose to attend Pennsylvania State University.
“I’m most excited to be at State College with some of my friends and stay in a house as a brother-and-sisterhood in the Evans Scholarship House,” Matt said. “It is an exciting opportunity, especially since all four scholars are going to Penn State.”
While they were able to get this scholarship, the work does not end there, as they will continue to caddie throughout their time at the school.
“I’m most excited about getting down to Penn State and joining a great group of scholars,” Reece said. “I’m also excited I’m able to give back and help out younger caddies.”
In order to get this scholarship, both Matt and Reece had to work incredibly hard with caddying. They both had very similar experiences, which has shaped the way they viewed caddying throughout their time.
“I got started with caddying the summer of my freshman year,” said Reece Johnson. “I wanted to grow my social skills and expand my networking. I also enjoy helping people and being on a golf course.”
Matt’s experience was very important to him as well and is going to shape his future career.
“I love the connections that come with caddying that I can connect and relate to others,” Matt said. “With my experiences I have chosen to study Professional Golf Management (PMG) at Penn State.
While they both have been blessed to get this scholarship and many people have helped them get here they both credit Cathedral Prep with helping them get to this point.
“Prep helped me prepare for the scholarship because it taught me good work ethic and to work for what you want,” Reece said. “I also want to thank everyone for all the help and support throughout this process.”
Overall, both students are thankful for the opportunity and glad they got into caddying from a young age.
“Caddying started off as a job for me, but then years went on,” Matt said. “I have enjoyed it and it has become a hobby to me. The opportunities it has given me has been such a blessing in my life, and I am very thankful for everyone who has helped me.”