Seniors vote classmates for class awards

Seniors vote classmates for class awards

Aiden Gromley, Staff Writer

At this year’s senior banquet, students are able to get an opportunity to nominate their friends and classmates for awards to be announced. These awards happen to have a little twist to them, for the awards are to be made up by the students. Each award given out at the banquet will be made up by the students to poke a little fun at one another.

Awards can be given to students for many reasons, such as “most likely to succeed” and “most likely to become president,” but they can also be funny at the same time. For example, for someone who isn’t the best dancer, you would give them the award for the best dancer. The students aren’t allow to bully one another, but are allowed to poke fun at their friends from the senior class.

Leah Mankiewicz tells me that she wouldn’t make fun of anybody, but only would say nice things about her students.

“I think most likely to go to Broadway would be Nicole,” Leah said as her nomination.

Mr. Bell proposed the idea, after learning the announcement that there weren’t going to be senior quotes in the yearbook.

“We thought about the idea years ago at Villa when students did the superlatives,” he tells me. “The one year we gave out blankets with the awards on them.”

Although this year students are not receiving blankets along with the awards, the awards are a great way to poke fun at one another as the senior class at the senior banquet without hurting anyone’s feelings. These awards are a great way to send off the senior class after the first year of being a co-ed school and will be a way to have fun at the senior banquet.