This week the staff of The Rambler responded to the question, “What is the best duo?” The broadness of the question prompted a variety of interesting responses. Read the staff members’ answers and explanations below.
Henry Abercrombie
The best duo would have to be The White Stripes. They were a rock band formed in 1997, consisting of Jack White and Meg White. They essentially propelled the garage rock genre into the spotlight in the early 2000s. Jack played guitar, Meg played drums, and with both occasionally contributing vocals, they created a simplistic style of music that nonetheless worked really well, earning them a significant amount of success. You may recognize their song “Seven Nation Army,” which is frequently played at sporting events. They released a total of six albums over their career, before disbanding officially in 2011. I have listened to their music for quite a long time now, and would rank them as one of my favorite bands of all time. Their drum and guitar lines are both very catchy, with some meaningful lyrics as well. They would probably be one of the more modern bands that I listen to, with most of my listening material ranging from the late 60s to the early 80s. Consider giving them a listen sometime.
Gabe Allegretto
The best duo in my opinion would have to be Jesse Pinkman and Walter White. In the beginning of the series, they’re the last people you would expect to team up. However, in a matter of a few seasons, they become some of the largest kingpins in the country. Together, they survive against their other “competition,” as well as the law. If it weren’t for some personal disagreements between the two, they would have been able to live the rest of their lives lavishly.
Olivia Buckel
I would say the best duo is definitely from Game of Thrones, and it is Daenerys and Tyrion Lannister. It’s funny because in the show their families are pretty much enemies, but they come together and become incredibly powerful. They compliment each other perfectly – Daenerys is strong, Tyrion is smart. They make the perfect Queen and hand. They’re a perfect match. There are a bunch of other amazing duos in the show as well, so it’s hard to narrow it down.
Luke Costello
The best duo in my opinion is burger and fries. The duo of the juicy burger and some salty fries is an irresistible combo. It was a hard pick for me, but it is simply my favorite food, and I love food. It is hard to screw up this duo, and it is one of the most consistent things ever. I would say 80 percent of the time I go to a restaurant I will make this my order with an ice cold water. There were many other picks I thought would be good like SpongeBob and Patrick, but you can never pass up a good burger and fries.
Alicia Gonzalez
The best duo in my opinion is Ellen Margaret Dieteman and I. We met our freshman year at Villa, but our friendship blossomed our sophomore year. We had a year of Latin together under our belt by then, and that was the year we had dance, world history, lunch, and Latin together consecutively and English class later each day. I came to realize and cherish our likemindedness and our friendship has evolved over the past four years into an inseparable partnership. We say things at the same time, have complementary senses of humor, and respect/empathy for each other. We even have the same personality type according to the 16 Personalities test. We’re the best duo because of the trust between us.
It’s undeniable that the best duo ever would have to be SpongeBob and Patrick, and it’s not even close. These two best friends in the show SpongeBob SquarePants, really come together as one to help to fix any problem in bikini bottom that needs to be fixed. And even when they fix the problem, they always find a way to laugh and have a good time in doing so. They fight occasionally, but in the end they will always be friends and be there for one another. SpongeBob and Patrick will always be one of the greatest, if not the best duo of all time.
Hayden Hutchinson
The best duo is Gob and Michael Bluth from Arrested Development. Considering Arrested Development is my favorite TV show, and these two characters make most of the entertainment of the show I consider them an amazing duo. Their shenanigans play off of each other in a comedic way but they both in the end show they care for each other. Overall, their relationship and appearances on the show make me say Gob and Michael are the best duo.
Matt Kalie
The best duo is taking a shower and going to bed. There is nothing that compares to having a long day and taking a nice warm shower followed by getting into bed and going to sleep. The shower is a nice way to relax and wind down a long day without any stress. When you get into your bed after the shower you feel like your day is done and complete, and you feel ready for the day tomorrow.
Kendra Piotrowski
My favorite duo is Rory and Lorelai Gilmore. They are a perfect daughter and mother duo in the show Gilmore Girls. They have so many funny and sad moments that just define the perfect mother and daughter duo.
John Santone
The best duo? Obviously the answer is Batman and Robin. No other duo can come close. OK, maybe Shaggy and Scooby, but other than that no one. They are literally called the “dynamic duo.” You got a light-hearted, but skilled kid to balance out the dark, vengeful vigilante. It’s a surprisingly deep, but also action-packed match made in heaven.
Dominick Scarpino
The best duo is C-3PO and R2-D2. In every Star Wars movie that they are in, you can be assured that we will see some shenanigans between the two of them. As a viewer, you can always count on the friendship that these two share. We have seen countless times how these two always have each others backs, and will always do whatever they can to save the other. These two are the most reliable characters in all of Star Wars, as well as the best duo that I have every seen.
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