On Wednesday, Cathedral Prep held its annual Giving Day. The whole community comes together to raise as much money as possible to help to continue the tradition of excellence by accepting donations to benefit students and the future of the school.
Next year will mark the 10-year anniversary of Giving Day. This year’s Giving Day was Wednesday, Nov. 15.
“There wasn’t a specific reason as to why it lands on the day it does,” said Mr. Nickson, Annual Fund & Events Manager.
It turns out the significance of the day that’s been chosen was selected because of the time of year. It was felt as the right time of year to get everyone together to support a common cause. It is right before the holidays when people tend to give a little more right before they finish out the year. People were able to donate online or in person.
“It’s all about giving back and lifting as you climb,” Mr. Nickson said.
Nobody has gotten anywhere without help. When we are able to want to do good for those around us, we are giving back. Years from now when students are in a different spots in life, they will hopefully take pride as a graduate to give and ensure that this is able to provide opportunities you can not get anywhere else. What’s in the fund will go back into the school to support daily operations, financial aid, and athletics.
“I think it’s very exciting about the culture we’ve cultivated, and the kids are willing to give back,” Mr. Nickson said. “It’s a blessing to see how it will all come together.”