The Business Academic Path is one of the five unique programs of its kind that is offered to the students of Cathedral Prep. The BizPath programs offers students unique opportunities, such as meeting with local business leaders, enrolling in specialized courses designed to help jumpstart an interest in business, and allowing students to be ahead of their peers if they decide to pursue a career in business after high school.
“The main reason that we have the path programs is because of student feedback,” former BizPath director Mr. Check said. “We were hearing from students about how they wanted to learn about careers they were interested in after high school, but had no real way to learn about them. That was what sparked the idea to start all of these academic programs.”
The interim director of the program, Mrs. Seip, has some ideas in order to shape the program in a positive direction.
“I want to take a look at the current courses that we offer,” Mrs. Seip said. “The biggest question mark right now is around the Accounting 2 course. We do not really have anyone in place to teach it currently. If we get that course settled in, I would say that we have a pretty solid program in place.”
The Shark Tank event that is typically organized by the Entrepreneurship class is up in the air this year.
“We are going to try to form a similar program that is akin to the Shark Tank event,” Mrs. Seip said, “It might end up being very similar to what we had in the past with a few modifications to smoothly bring it in line with the rest of the program.”
Even though the program is still getting up and running, students have seen what the school has delivered with these programs, and are very certain that BizPath will succeed as well.
“I have seen firsthand the success of MedPath,” senior Sara Chase said. “I really enjoy the structure of the program, and are certain that the faculty and administration will be able to pull off something similar with a business-oriented focus.”