Cathedral Prep’s legendary rallies are intended to raise up the students and faculty. The most recent rally in particular was held to celebrate winter athletes.
When students first arrived inside the auditorium for the rally, individuals were able to listen to music blasting through the speakers. While students and faculty gathered into the auditorium the music slowly died down as well as the lights so that the rally crew could present a video they had prepared for the school. The video gave students a few good laughs, and before not to long another video was presented to the school.
This time the video was about the winter sports. Each winter sport was presented in the video, showcasing their talents. After the video compilation that Mr. Puskar put together ended, rally crew members invited members of the girls’ basketball team up to the stage to shave health and phys ed teacher Mr. Schreffler’s head. Luckily everyone was a good sport about the experience. This moment for the girls’ basketball team was essential and brought upon great trust between both the coach and the teammates.
Two students were called up to the front of the auditorium for a big ballon ball “fight” between a senior and junior towards the end of the rally as well.
Sarah Lathan, a cheerleader here at Cathedral Prep said, “This rally has made me feel appreciated.” Sarah, a junior at Prep, took up cheerleading after years of gymnastics. Sarah explained that the rally eased her anxiety and made her feel more comfortable about joining the team.
Junior Ian Brown, a member of the hockey team, wanted more focus on his team in particular.
“The hockey team wasn’t presented in the video much,” Ian said, “nor was it particularly talked about.”
Overall though the rally for the winter sports was inspirational.