The first day of spring is coming up next week, so students weighed in on the best and worst parts of the season.
Kwame Anim-Somuah
The best part of spring is March Madness. In my opinion, spring doesn’t start until the First Four out games for March Madness are played. All the buzz and excitement while watching games and hoping your bracket is correct is an amazing experience every single year. My birthday is always a week before Easter as well, which is icing on the cake for the season.
Lindsay Armanini
The best part about spring is that the days are finally longer and the sun is out until 7 p.m. I love being able to enjoy the later sunsets when things start to warm up. It is nice to enjoy driving with my sunglasses on, having my sun roof open on my car, and breathing in the fresh, warm(er) air. I also love seeing all the trees and the flowers bloom and grow. Even the rainy days are comforting because it is nice to sit inside and enjoy a cozy day. Spring is probably one of my favorite seasons because it gets everyone excited for the warmer weather to come in the next few months.
Tyler Chermack
The best part of spring is the warm weather coming back into full swing and the days getting nice parts r. I love when the season changes and gets warmer. The worst part is that it is mostly raining during the season and the days are good and bad they vary. The ground getting muddy, it being wet outside most of the time is probably the worst part, and it also being a lot colder outside.
Josie Dufala
My favorite part of spring is the sunshine. I love waking up in the morning and it being already bright outside. I also love all of the pretty flowers. My least favorite part is the unpredictable weather. Living in Erie means that you’ll never know if it’s going to rain, snow, or be nice out.
Lauren Middleton
I love the time of year when spring is near. I love watching flowers bloom out in nature, and I love hearing the birds sing out their songs. During spring I take long walks around my neighborhood and listen to the soft hum of the songbirds. I’m excited for spring this upcoming year because I’m ecstatic to bring my bunny outside in the warm sunshine so that she is able to play around in the grass. I love the warm air and not shivering all the time. In conclusion, I am very excited for spring to arrive.
John Santone
I do not like spring. I think it is the worst season. There is usually mud everywhere, and it’s always raining. Sure, sometimes the sun is out, but even then it is windy and cold. That’s not the worst part, however. The worst part by far is the allergies. I get them really bad, so for a solid two or three months I cannot breathe through my nose, and I’m sneezing all the time.
Dominick Scarpino
My favorite part of spring is being able to go on walks outside again. I really enjoy walking around my neighborhood or the Behrend campus. May and June have always been really enjoyable months to walk around. I try to go on a walk at least every other day to at least try to get outdoors. The only downside of spring is that it always rains a lot in April, but it will eventually become nice outside once again.
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