Students at Prep have many different ways of helping to pass time throughout the school day. A popular way is to play some of the New York Times’ mini games. The Times offers 10 different mini games and puzzles that can help keep your mind active during a long day.
“I enjoy playing the New York Times mini games,” senior Hayley Dever said, “It helps tickle a spot in my brain to keep me alert and ready to learn throughout the school day. It also provides some fun conversations about the answers to the puzzles for that day. I always try to do at least one game a day, normally more if I have the time.”
One of the popular games with the students is the “Connections” game. In this game, you are given 16 tiles with a single word on them and have to match four of them together in order to make a “connection.” There are varying difficulties for each one based on color. For example, yellow is the easiest “connection,” and purple is the hardest. One student had this to say about why they loved “Connections” so much.
“Connections is a nice way to help warm up my brain before the school day,” senior Ellie Brugger said, “It is either really relaxing or very aggravating depending on the words given that day. Sometimes I can look at the words for two hours and not really come up with anything. Other times, I can solve it in 30 seconds. It is always fun to see which option happens on any given day!”
Another popular game is “Wordle.” This game gives you six tries to guess a five-letter word. If you get a letter in the correct spot, that letter becomes green. If you have the correct letter in the wrong spot, the letter becomes yellow. If you have the wrong letter, it becomes gray.
“I like Wordle for a few reasons,” senior Sara Chase said, “The main thing is that it is fast and easy. I also like that you get six chances to get the word correct. That’s why I do not like Connections is because it only gives you four tries. I always find Wordle to be much more relaxing.”
While these are two of the more popular games, some people prefer games that are slightly less popular.
“I prefer Tiles as my game of choice,” senior Clare DiGiacomo said, “It is a very relaxing game of matching different details with one another. I enjoy it quite a bit. It does not require a lot of thought to be put into it. All you have to do is just look for what is similar and click.”
Senior McKenna Valone had a similar opinion about the “Vertex” game.
“All you have to do in Vertex is connect dots to make different triangles,” McKenna said, “As you connect the dots, the triangles fill in with color and you end up with a picture. I like the game because it still needs some thought put into it, but it also allows you to relax and have a nice little picture at the end.”