If there is one play I have seen in my fours years at Prep which really made me regret not getting involved in the theater program, Tarzan was that play. I was truly amazed at the amount of work that was put into this production. It looked like an absolute blast to be a part of, and it made me wish I could’ve been involved in some way. I attended the Saturday night show, which was sold out, as I expected it to be. I have never seen the auditorium so full and buzzing with enthusiasm (besides our pep rallies of course.) I was informed that the Thursday and Friday shows were also full, making this a very successful show as far as attendance is concerned.
I came in not really knowing what to expect. I had heard from numerous people both in person and on social media that this would be one of the finest plays ever put on by the Prep and Villa theater program. From the very start of the play my expectations were exceeded. From the scenery to the costumes to the actual performances of the cast members, this show was a grade A production. The special effects are what amazed me the most. Starting with the first scene and continuing throughout the rest of the production, the special effects and audio effects were amazing. Cast members flew through the air on flying cords controlled by crew members who were specially trained by ZFX Flying.
I had a chance to talk with Prep senior Bryce Fauble after the play. He was a crew member who was responsible for flying some of the cast members across the stage. He, along with the other flyers, had an immense responsibility as the safety of those being flown depended on their focus and technique. He said that although he was under a lot of pressure, he had a blast and was very glad that he got involved. Tarzan was a very expensive production, but they still managed to make a profit due to high ticket sales. I was very glad that I had the opportunity to see it, and if you didn’t get the chance to go, you missed out on a very unique and powerful production.
My rating: 10/10 – This is by far the best play I have ever seen.
Prep and Villa’s production of Tarzan a tremendous success
May 13, 2014