Oscar season is nearly upon us. With the 97th Academy Awards slated for early March, our students weighed in not on their favorite Oscar contenders this year but rather their favorite movie of all-time.
Maria Bruschi
My favorite movie is Gladiator because of the amazing story plot. The way that Maximus goes through so many ups and downs, from general of the Roman army to a puppet in the mercy of the emperor. He proves though that even if he seems like a pawn, he never actually is. With what little freedom he had he still rebelled in every way possible. Then he rose up again and got his revenge. It’s also notable to say that Gladiator 2 is also incredibly good.
Caitlyn Holden
Grasyn Peterson
My favorite movie is Night at the Museum. It’s definitely not the usual answer to someone’s favorite movie, but the movie has always been one of mine. When I was younger and my parents got me a DVD player for the first time, one of the first movies I picked out to watch was Night at the Museum. The movie was obviously great, and I would rewatch it all the time. It had good messages in it, and it was hilarious at the time for my age. Ben Stiller is also a great actor in my opinion, as well as Robin Williams. They made the movie 10x better. The dynamic between the mini cowboy and Roman soldier I think is also great throughout the movie. You can find the movie pretty much anywhere, so I definitely recommend watching it.