I have had many great times here at Cathedral Prep, played two sports, and have made friends with all sorts of different kinds of people. I can say that I have honestly lived a true and fulfilling high school experience. Out of all that I have done and lived through my favorite memory is from my junior year in journalism class. The teacher was Mr. Hubert and some of the students included myself, Lucas Buseck, Sean Taylor, Mike Squeglia, Delton Williams, Louis Grecko, and Matt Hess. Of course there were others and everyone added something unique to the class that made it all the more interesting. Every day I feel like something bizarre happened in that class that had me laughing my keister off. From Delton and Hess’ argument about what classifies a barbecue, to Sean’s Monday stories about what happened every weekend it was always a very entertaining class. And I can’t forget about Louis Grecko’s tall tales such as the rise and fall of his lawn-care empire. Every time I think about journalism class from last year I can’t help but give a chuckle as I reminisce on great times.
-Steve Bretz
The memories I will carry with me the longest and that will stay in my mind the most vividly from my days at Prep will be the trips I took across the state of Pennsylvania. Due to a clustering of teams on the eastern side of the state and a lack of teams on the western side of the state, road trips were often undertaken on the weekends to get the most amount of games in as possible. Of course there are some games that I will remember for various reasons, but what I will remember better will be everything beyond the games that were still associated with those road trips. The long drives down with teammates that quickly turned into friends, the late nights in hotels with pizza for dinner every time and, at least as freshman, sleeping with more people in one room than would allow any type of comfort. In these moments I may have felt very uncomfortable and may have wished not to have to play three more games consecutively before being able to go home, but the fact of the matter is water polo was a large part of my life for four years, and I will never forget it.
-Lucas Buseck
My time at Prep has certainly had its ups and downs. Adjusting to the work load and academic expectations of Prep was definitely a struggle at first, but after I got used to the environment, I grew to love the school. Everything from academics to the athletics to the dedication of the students and teachers made makes this school one-of-a-kind. I would have to say my favorite time at Prep was a culmination of experiences during my senior year. This year has been one of the best of my life as I have had many great experiences and have gotten to know some great people. These past few weeks have been amazing and I won’t soon forget it. Everything from the senior banquet to the class trip has been great and have been some of my best experiences at Prep. My academic experience this year has also been the best and most rewarding. And now I find myself nearly a week away from graduation and I can’t seem to fathom where the time has gone. I am very thankful that I was able to attend Prep and I will never forget the great times I had here, and the many opportunities it provided me with.
-Hayden Clarke
There are many great memories that I have had through my four years as a Rambler. In fact there are just too many memories for me to choose which one is the best. All four years were jam packed with memories that I will remember for the rest of my life. From my first Prep rally to us chasing the bus down the road for the football team send off. Every time I think about those joyous memories it brings a huge smile to my face. My time has come to an end here at Prep, and I’m ready to leave. But it will be a happy and sad departure from this place because it’s the last time I will be together with all my friends, but at the same time I’m ready to move on. I’m proud to be a part of the Class of 2014.
-John Dill
My favorite Prep memory is winning the football state championship in 2012. That was an awesome time because it was only the second time in school history that it ever happened. Not many people in Erie get the chance to do that so I am very blessed to have had that opportunity.
-Caleb Futscher
After four years of some of the best days of my life, most of it was spent at Cathedral Prep. My favorite memory of Cathedral Prep isn’t a memory that is over. It is the brotherhood we take on the first day we walk in until our last step. As a class we have overcome countless obstacles together in sports, academics, senior project, administration, and especially death over these four years. We all in this school have a connection because of Prep. It is a different place that no one would understand unless they went here. So my greatest memory isn’t a memory, it is a bond that will last a lifetime between not only me and my friends but all classes to come. I wish all the best to my brothers, and to all the generations to come. Appreciate it while you can because once it comes to this day, the day you are writing your last journalism article, on your last day of school, you will look back and know it was a crazy ride. We Are CP!
-John Hilbert
I would have to say my favorite Prep memory was the first pep rally of this year. The way everything was planned and executed made everything feel really good to the entire rally crew. The amount of effort and hard work that we put into making that a memorable rally really showed true when it was show time. I will never forget the electricity in the auditorium before and everything. It was a very exciting moment and my favorite Prep moments of the last four years.
-Joe McCafferty
There have been so many times in my Prep career that I am fond of, each year having one fond memory of its own. Freshmen year being “welcomed” to Prep with a slap on the behind, sophomore year the rallies were unreal, and junior year singing in Mrs. McKean’s class everyday with classics such as “Sweet Caroline” and “Wagon Wheel.” Finally, senior year making it to the Consol Energy Center for hockey. My favorite memory in my days of Prep is not one that happened in school, out of school, or in the past, though; my favorite memory is what is to come after graduation. I am eager to see my fellow classmates in the future and make more memories with them. “It’s not a four year decision; it’s a 40 year decision.”
-Jeremiah Ordos
The wonderful times in journalism. That’s what will stand out most from these four years, all the wild and crazy things did and done with the boys. Mr. Hubert Rocks!
-Sean Taylor
My favorite memory at Prep was our first senior pep rally for rally crew. It was for the football game against Strong Vincent. I remember we worked so hard on trying to make it perfect so that the student body would take us seriously. Everything went according to plan and after it was over everyone came up to us and told us how good it was. It was a great feeling and it was awesome to be a part of the rally crew senior year with all of my friends. It was really cool to be a part of a Cathedral Prep tradition like the rally crew.
-Vinny Timpano
There have been too many great memories here at Prep to count; my first rally, never losing to McDowell, all the memories from swimming and water polo, and the rallies we put on this year. However, what I will remember the most is the fun we had on a day to day basis. Just coming to school every day and being with my best friends will definitely be something I will remember forever.
-Connor Van Hove
Favorite Prep memories from the senior writers of The Rambler
May 22, 2014
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