Here at Cathedral Prep students are fortunate to have iPads to use in the majority of their classes everyday. They can be used for note taking, reading, searching the web, or even the frowned upon gaming. The only problem is that unfortunately these iPads are not so lucky when it comes to their relationship with the students. iPads are rumored to be “abused” by some students at Prep, and it is hard to argue otherwise.
The typical Prep student recognizes the benefits of having the iPad in the classroom and knows the device has the potential to be a very positive tool. The issue is that the productivity of the iPad relies strictly upon the user. Am I a perfect student who never ever plays games in class? Yes, 99 percent of the time, but there is always the occasional downfall where I can’t hold back my anger. Whether it is coming from a rough statistics class with Mrs. Quinn or a tough loss in NBA 2K16 it is safe to say no iPad is safe. When I am angry it is safe to say that an iPad someway and somehow will be getting punched. It is nothing against the iPad itself; they are designed to be useful machines and at that point in time it was needed for a more calming use.
Hammurabi once said “an eye for an eye” and that certainly describes some students’ relationship with their iPad. No crime goes unpunished and to attest I was recently issued a $50.00 fee from Apple because my iPad had died internally. While examining the deceased iPad they determined that my iPad was “abused.” It was a sad day for me because I honestly considered my iPad a friend, my best friend.
Now just to clear things up I am not the only one who has had some troubles with my iPad. Fellow senior Jack Zaphris is known around the halls as “an iPad’s worst nightmare” as he treats his iPad with little to no respect. “If I am mad, the iPad gets punished, and if I am bored my iPad still gets punished,” said Zaphris.
Another more deliberate attack can be found when talking about Tyler Smith. The rumor was that his father had accidentally ran over his iPad while backing out of the driveway. Scholarly students at Prep can come to the conclusion that the iPad had to be placed there for it to have been run over. Tyler denies that he had any role in the destruction of his iPad, but that is hard to believe. If it were up to me, Tyler would spend the rest of his life in the cells of iPad jail, which can be found at Apple’s headquarters.
Not every iPad is abused around the halls of Prep, but iPads everywhere should heed this advice: never walk the halls alone or bad things could happen.
Students who mistreat iPads pay the price
November 3, 2015
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