This year Mr. Akram Bhatti replaced Mrs. Gail Dragich, who retired from our library after last year. Mr. Bhatti seems to be more than capable of running Prep’s library as he has already begun to make improvements to the space, including a desperately needed dedicated area for the Gannon Scholars to sit together. Mr. Bhatti answered a few questions for The Rambler to tell the Prep community about himself and his plans for the library.
“I am a media specialist or digital technologist. I worked as a technical writer with Corel and Apple Computers,” he said. “After my time at Apple the field of educational technology was emerging, and I began working with teachers in different school districts to help them integrate web-based and educational software into their curriculum. Recently I worked at Millcreek schools as a Classroom for the Futures Integrator and at the Gannon Patient Simulation Center building their digital infrastructure. I am excited to be at Prep because of the one-to-one iPad initiative. Tablet and mobile learning will be the norm in all classrooms, and Prep has a great head start. I am well versed with many of the apps on the iPad and web-based tool on the Internet. I also keep a keen eye and understanding of emerging digital technologies and educational trends.”
When asked what improvements and changes he plans to make, he said, “I am here in the library primarily as a resource for digital learning portals, databases, search engines and other information-rich portals. The changes in the library reflect Prep’s commitment to becoming a leader in digital education. The changes in the library have been substantive. The space has been rearranged so that Gannon Scholars have their own space. We call it ‘The Gannon Tunnel’ because they are entering by the front entrance. The big change will shift the space to a more social/digital learning laboratory. As an outsider I feel I have been welcomed very warmly by faculty and students alike. This is an excellent school with a lot of school spirit and tradition. I am glad to be here.”
From what Mr. Bhatti said, everyone can understand the library is going to become a much better learning environment where students will actually go to study. Mr. Bhatti seems like he is making a lot of changes for the better, and I look forward to seeing how these changes affect the environment in the library.
Meet Mr. Bhatti, Prep’s new media specialist
September 17, 2013
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