Today marks the historic first installment of The Rambler‘s new regular series, It Grinds My Gears When…, a recurring column in which members of The Rambler staff vent about what really “grinds their gears.” In this installment, we will go into the frustration felt when things get blocked on our school iPads.
We all know that the Internet is a vast expanse, full of many things that may not be appropriate for school use. These things most definitely should be blocked. However, it really grinds my gears when something gets blocked that does no harm to me, and in fact, may actually be beneficial to me. Many times when clicking on a Google images photo, the aforementioned photo is from a blocked website, and I am unable to use it in a project. That really grinds my gears.
Even more infuriating is when a source of learning is blocked. The other day I tried to access Yahoo Answers to learn whether or not it is safe to stick a fork in the toaster, but Yahoo Answers was blocked. I then had to discover the answer on my own. It was a shocking experience to say the least. It grinds my gears very much when I get electrocuted, but more on that in another article.
Another thing that grinds my gears is when multiplayer games get blocked during school. One game in particular grinds my gears to even speak of these days, because of the memories that it brings back. When the name Nova 3 is even hinted to me I get choked up and by instinct a tear slowly crawls down my cheek. A game in which I had so much fun in playing with my friends is now blocked on the school servers. Nova 3 was a fun first-person shooter game that didn’t grind my gears in which you could make funny usernames and compete against your friends to win the game. This game brought joy to my school day, and I know this is true for many of the other innocent students at Cathedral Prep. It grinds my gears when the tech office just assumes the power to block the fun games on our iPads.
As you can see, the unnecessary blocking of things on our iPads really grinds our gears.