The Cathedral Prep community is blessed with so many great alumni that have filled these hallowed halls of Prep beginning with the Class of 1921. Every alumni of Cathedral Prep has their special place in the history of the school and they are what make this school great, alive, thriving and the institution it is today.
One such alumni is Mr. Joe Carlucci, Class of 1984. Carlucci, who is currently a medical sales device specialist with Medtronic, lives in Erie, Pa., with his wife Amy. Carlucci has three children, Angela, Sara and Joesph Jr., and two stepchildren, Sydney and Spencer Johnston.
Before attending Cathedral Prep, Carlucci, thought about the different options to go to high school but he said that he chose to become a Rambler “primarily for the Catholic education and [my] friends going there.” This speaks volumes for the Catholic tradition and the brotherhood of Prep and its impact on incoming students. While at Cathedral Prep, Carlucci’s favorite class was English, and his favorite teacher was Mr. Tom Hansen, who taught in the 1980s and is even in the Cathedral Prep Sports Hall of Fame. Carlucci was also involved in the teenage action club and while he did not play any sports for Prep, he did play CYO basketball for his parish at Our Lady of Peace. He loved his time at Cathedral Prep and says that his favorite memory was “the friendships that were made and have lasted over the years.”
After attending Prep, Carlucci attended Gannon University, he said that Cathedral Prep helped him prepare for college life and the class demand that college would entail for him. It also was a great feeder of contacts for Carlucci when he was looking for jobs and in college. He is still friends with his classmates he graduated with. “I have a large number of friends from my high school years that I regularly communicate with” said Carlucci. The brotherhood of being a Rambler for Carlucci extended beyond the halls of Prep and has continued into his adult years.
Prep changed Carlucci’s life. The entire Prep community is proud and thankful to have Joe Carlucci as a part of the family of Cathedral Prep Ramblers both past and present.
Alumni Profile: Joe Carlucci (’84)
January 18, 2017