The famous television series Sesame Street is introducing a new character to its viewers. This character will be the closest to our hearts because they carry something in common with people in this world. This one character can easily put a smile on someone’s face just by knowing about them. For a TV series that has been around for a while, to add a character like this, means a lot.
The new character, Julia, is a 4-year-old Muppet with autism. Yes, Sesame Street has added a character with autism. It is heartwarming to have such a character with an impact in their lives that viewers can relate to and feel for. Many parents have already discussed this topic on social media about how this decision showed so much respect for families. The biggest impact was for the parents with autistic kids. They felt that it was about time for a children’s series like Sesame Street to include this in their show with respect instead of making fun of them.
“Bringing Julia to life as a Sesame Street Muppet is the centerpiece of all of our new materials to support families of children with autism,” said Sherrie Westin, Sesame Workshop’s exec VP of global impact and philanthropy. “The response from the autism community to ‘See Amazing in All Children’ has been extraordinary, and we are committed to continuing our efforts to promote understanding and acceptance of autism, as part of our mission of helping all children grow smarter, stronger, and kinder.”
Episodes including Julia will begin airing April 10 on both PBS and HBO. Stay tuned!
Sesame Street introduces its first autistic character
March 29, 2017