In late October, the Wanaque Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation in Haskell, New Jersey announced 18 similar cases of illness within the health center. Since the time of the announcement, there have been several additions to the list of those contaminated with the virus, including multiple deaths. Granted, the rehabilitation center is known for their successful treatment of children with weak immune systems and other serious medical issues, which account for all but one of the cases involving the adenovirus. For those that do not know, adenoviruses are very common in all ages and cause a variety of illness, ranging from a simple sore throat to bronchitis. Most people who face an adenovirus infection will not necessarily find themselves at much risk of becoming sick, according to the CDC. This particular strain of adenovirus infection is known as the “adenovirus type 7”, which is seen most closely associated with acute respiratory disease. In truth, the public should not be extremely worried about the virus spreading largely and widely because those who are classified as “healthy” because adenoviruses usually only cause as much as a cough or a cold, according to medical officials.
When asked about the situation in New Jersey, senior Jake Easly, who has suffered from Crohn’s Disease since the beginning of middle school, said “It’s scary to think that even while we go to hospitals and health centers, where we are supposed to be protected, that we are still vulnerable to diseases while we go there.” He added, “Since I have Crohn’s, this is especially worrying on a personal level to me, as I have a weakened immune system and have constant doctors visits.”
Though the virus is only known to be spreading throughout centers in New Jersey thus far, others like Jake should always be aware of the dangers presented to them when they enter a health care facility. In truth, there is not necessarily a reason for those in the Erie area to stress themselves out, but parents should always be cautious with the things their children touch, eat, etc., as well as what types of things they are exposed to in certain areas.
Adenovirus outbreak in New Jersey: 30 sick, 10 children dead
November 13, 2018