Many of those reading this may not know who Ryan Jubulis is, and those of you who do not, are missing out. Although he is generally a quiet kid, Ryan has much to say. Whether it be about politics, sports, or his future career plans, he knows how to keep a conversation rolling. Ryan is a big sports fan, and is a very passionate fan of the Buffalo Bills and the Los Angeles Clippers. Ryan is also passionate about his future career choice, becoming an agent for the CIA.
“It all started with my love for watching James Bond and Liam Neeson movies,” Ryan said, “They were always these undercover agents or CIA agents. I always loved watching the way they worked.”
The CIA was created for the purpose of foreign policy, intelligence, and analysis. Today, it has formed into an agency with the purpose to collect, analyze, and evaluate foreign intelligence.
when asked about what he knows about the job already, Ryan had a lot to say, and many of those things are reasons why he wants to be a CIA agent.
“I know that the job is pretty secretive, and usually takes place overseas,” he said. “It pays well right off the start.”
Ryan is looking to get his career started away from the United States. The overseas aspect of the job is a big part of his want for the position. He wants to explore what other countries have to offer, but he will first need to get his education here in the United States.
“I plan to attend the University of Buffalo,” Ryan said. “It is local, and all my family lives there. I looked at their program, and it was pretty good.”
Even without the high level of education needed for the job, Ryan still believes he is a good candidate for the job.
“I am not really energetic,” he said. “I like to be pretty stern, and I don’t have many expressions, so I could be really good undercover.”
Being only a junior at Prep, Ryan still has a few years before this job as a CIA agent can develop, but that is not going to stop him from having many future expectations and goals if he indeed gets the job.
“I don’t want to be stuck on a computer,” he said. “I want to be involved in action being a field agent. My goal is to serve my country, and to be honest, to stay alive.”