Douglas W. Vicary was born on August 7, 1970, at Saint Vincent Hospital in Erie, Pa. Mr. Vicary held the record for being the largest baby born at Saint Vincent Hospital during the 20th century. He weighed 11 pounds and 8 ounces, while also being born at a length of 25 inches, or two feet, one inch long!
Mr. Vicary grew up in Tampa, Florida, and attended Berkley Preparatory School. He graduated with the class of 1988. After high school, Mr. Vicary then attended the University of Michigan where he first studied mechanical engineering. He then switched up his plans and studied architecture. After that, he finally ended up doing what he loved when he attended the School of Art and Design at Michigan. He graduated from Michigan in 1993.
Mr. Vicary did not originally want to become a teacher. Before working at Prep, Mr. Vicary was a watch connoisseur. He traveled first class all over the world selling famous and expensive watches to buyers.
If you know Mr. Vicary, you know he also loves cars. He even runs the Automotive Club at Cathedral Prep. Mr. Vicary owns a Porsche Boxster, Mazda CX-5, and an Audi A4.
He loves traveling the world, his fast German cars, good chocolate, and architecture and design. He’s also an avid racquetball player, and teaches spin classes, and future kettle bell classes at the Pennbriar Athletic Club.
Mr. Vicary is one of the most beloved teachers at Prep.
“I have been in Mr. Vicary’s ceramics classes since sophomore year,” said senior Andrew Campbell. “Mr. Vicary became my favorite teacher when he put me in three of his classes in one school year.”
His kind heart and hilarious one-liners are coveted by every student who has ever been taught by him. Often times, you will hear from recent graduates that one of their favorite classes was one of Mr. Vic’s art classes.