As many of the members of The Rambler staff near graduation day, this week’s question asked them to look forward and think big. Students were asked, “What is your dream job and why?” Check out their responses and explanations below.

Sports Agent or Manager
My dream job is to be a sports agent or manager of any sport. I would prefer the sport to be either basketball or baseball. My passion in life is sports and being able to have a good job in sports would be my dream. I first started to have this dream when I watched the movie Moneyball. This movie really impacted me and sparked an interest in sports management.

Financial Analyst
My dream job is what I plan to do with my future, become a financial analyst. I want to work in the business industry but help others at the same time. I always like to lend a helping hand, and this job would allow me to do that. I also would like the idea of having the potential to work from home and possibly make my own hours, but a lot of hard work is required to get to that step. I plan to work hard and make a difference for others.

Stock Broker
I don’t know exactly what my dream job would be, but it would be something that I can help people. I feel like as long as I am helping people in some way I would like it. The career I want is to be a stock broker. I want to do this to help people with their money and help them make the right investments. I feel like by helping people I will enjoy the job a lot more than any other job.

Work for the Army/State Department
My dream job is to work for the Army, but that isn’t possible anymore because of an illness. I feel like all of us wouldn’t be here today if we didn’t have the sacrifices of men and women out in the world. I feel like I could be someone like that, willing to put their life on the line for the country that appreciates them. As of right now, the dream is to work for the state department in Langley, Virginia.

Play in the NFL or Chief Marketing Officer
My dream job is to play football in the National Football League. Now, I know that the chances of that happening are small, so my more obtainable dream job would be to be Chief Marketing Officer, Vice President of Marketing, or Chief Marketing Executive, at a billion dollar business. First of all, the job pays extremely well. I’ll be able to live comfortably easily. Second of all, I have the mindset to execute the job right. I have a good eye for our Social Media teams, and if we put out magazines, I can help pick out the pictures that will go into it. I love looking at numbers and learning from my mistakes, so if I make one, I can go back and fix it with a new post or magazine or something. Even billboards I feel like I could do that. Marketing is just something I like doing, and I feel like a top executive job doing that would be my absolute dream job.

Mechanical Engineer
My dream job is to be a mechanical engineer. I think that this career really fits me and a lot of my personal interests. I am pretty good at math, and this pairs well with my creative side, so I think that would make me a pretty good engineer. I am blessed to have the opportunity to pursue this career,as it is my major at Gannon. Hopefully, it all works out and I can accomplish my dream.

Game Designer
My dream job would be a game designer, really any part of a creative process. I have learned many things from video games and books my entire life, and I think one of the most fun things to do is to put your own thoughts and ideas down and see if you could theoretically make something good. Ever since I was younger I have wanted to make something that could be played and experienced by a large group of people. I also just think it would be so much fun and not feel like work at all. I think my writing skills would also help as well.