This school year all teachers and students must wear face masks or face shields due to COVID-19. Most students seem to prefer to wear the masks over the shields. Teachers have a mixture; approximately half wear masks and the other half wear shields.
One teacher who wears a shield is second year theology teacher Mr. Duncan. Mr. Duncan noted some positive aspects of wearing the face shield.
“I can breath better with the shield,” he said. “I won’t be overheated, people can actually see my face with the shield, and the students physically in class can hear me better when teaching.”
Mr. Duncan also mentioned some negative aspects of wearing the shield.
“The band on my head feels really uncomfortable, and I feel like I look weird with the shield over my face,” he said. “The biggest negative is when the shield needs to be cleaned because of how dirty it gets.”
Ultimately, Mr. Duncan wears the mask because it is a more convenient option for him with fewer drawbacks than the mask.
“I wear the shield because I have glasses, and when I wear a mask my glasses fog up, which gets annoying.”
One of the teachers who prefers to wear a mask is English and yearbook teacher, Mr. Haller.
“I can talk to myself under my breath without others knowing,” he said. “[And] I always know when I have bad breath”.
Mr. Haller did note some negative aspects about wearing the mask.
“My ears are beginning to extend out like Dopey from Snow White,” he said. “Sneezing into a mask might be one of the most unpleasant things ever.”
No one can go wrong with wearing a face mask or a face shield. Each has their own positives and negatives. One thing everyone needs to do is wear the mask or shield to project themselves and keep everyone in school for the year. Everyone in the building needs to do their part.