With the start of the new year upon us, the staff took this week to write about their goals for 2024.
Kwame Anim-Somuah
My goals for 2024 have to do with self-improvement. Last year I felt that I improved a lot with my dedication and work ethic towards things, and I feel that there is more room for growth. I want to wake up around 5:15 a.m. every day and work out four times a week before school. I believe that it’s a good habit to get up early, and I could use it for college next year. My other goal has to do with staying disciplined. I feel that sticking to the routine I make for myself will help me stay on track for whatever I want to accomplish.
Lindsay Armanini
My goals for 2024 are to grow and mature into a new life outside of high school. I want to finish out high school strong and be proud of what I work to accomplish. After my swim season concludes, I would like to start my own workout plan and make healthy food choices to improve my health. When attending college for the first time this fall, my goal is to stay strong during the times that I grow homesick and keep working towards my future. I will motivate myself to study hard, make new friends, and be willing to accept the immense change I will experience this year.
Tyler Chermack
What are my goals for 2024? I am hoping to get an offer from a good college to play soccer at. I have been trying to get my schoolwork and stuff together for the end of the year. My biggest goal is to eat healthier and work out more to ready my body for the college soccer level. I have many goals for this year; those are just some of them. I’m hoping to be able to stay focused on my goals and to get them done.
Josie Dufala
‘One of my goals for 2024 is to get more on top of things. Although I try to be organized, I have a tendency to procrastinate, and I end up with a pile of things to do. One way I’m trying to fix this is by making lists and setting reminders on my phone. Hopefully, these will help me get into the habit of getting my work done on time.
Lauren Middleton
My goal is to stay determined. I am not going to let anything hold me back from becoming my best self. I am cutting toxic people out of life that no longer serve me. I am determined to thrive and love others. 2024 will be the year where I come out of feeling better than ever. I am determined to longer let people walk all over me and gaslight me. In 2024 I am determined to stick up for myself and become the best version of myself I could possibly be.
John Santone
Like every new year, the start of January gets people thinking about their goals for the year. For me, they revolve around the closing of my senior year. While at a point where it seems inevitable, my goal now is to graduate. I would like to finish the school year out and have a good summer. I would also like to have an enjoyable 18th birthday next month.
Dominick Scarpino
I have a couple of goals for 2024. My main goal is to graduate Prep in June. That might seem like a low bar, but I do not want to mess up now. The second goal I have is to read more. I used to read all of the time, but I do not get the chance to anymore. I have already read one book this year, and I am about halfway through a second one. The last goal that I have is to get involved at Behrend when I start attending there in the fall.
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