Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, which means the season of Lent is upon us. As a Catholic school, this time of year is particularly meaningful to our school community. Our staff wrote this week about what they are doing for Lent this year.
Kwame Anim-Somuah
This year I have decided to give up Chick-fil-A for Lent. I have a bad habit of spending money on Chick-fil-A after my Gannon class and to try and break this habit, I feel that giving it up for Lent is a great way of cutting back. I am also going to try and attend Mass two times a week as some way to do better as well in my Lenten journey. As long as I put my mind to it, I should be able to complete my goals.
Lindsay Armanini
This lent, I will be growing closer to God by both giving something up and also challenging myself to add to my prayer life each day. I will be giving up Instagram because I find that it is always distracting me and taking my mind to a different place when I could be using my time more efficiently. To grow spiritually, I will be reading in my Bible each day and following a Lenten reading plan, where I will read a different passage each day that relates to what Lent teaches us. I look forward to using this time as a way to seek quietness from the busyness of everyday life, and to truly meditate on God’s word and listen to what He is saying. Maintaining Lenten promises is always a challenge, but sacrificing and offering parts of our life to God can make us stronger and gives us the chance to see more of God’s love in our everyday lives.
Tyler Chermack
I honestly don’t know. I will be doing the regular fasting and not eating meat on Fridays. I don’t know what I’m giving up, but I know that I want to do better in school. I want to focus more on my studies now that the year is coming too an end. Many people give something up, but I have picked something that I want to work on and improve.
Josie Dufala
For Lent this year, I’m giving up buying food in between my Gannon classes and Prep classes. Whenever we have some free time in between classes, me and my friends usually go get Starbucks or Chik-fil-A. However, I can give this up for the Lenten season, because Jesus was able to give up his life for us. This will also help me save a little bit of money. With this extra money, I can give it out to those in need.
Lauren Middleton
This upcoming year for Lent I will be investing more time into prayer. This will allow God to come forward in my life and help me to stand on the firm foundation He has placed for me. I will be taking that step in my everyday life. This event will help bring me closer to God in this Lenten season. I will also be giving up chocolate as a sacrifice just as Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins. I eat chocolate everyday, so this will be a sacrifice.
John Santone
This Lent, I would like to focus on self-growth and physical health along with spiritual growth. I am going to give up drinking soda for its duration. I have been slowly drinking less and less sugary drinks over the last few weeks even though I enjoy them, so I believe it is a fitting sacrifice for Lent.
Dominick Scarpino
I am going to give up drinking soda. I drink way too much soda for my own good. I feel that this is a good opportunity to try to be healthier. I also would like to try to spend more time with my family on the weekends. I want to try to make a few more memories in high school with them before I graduate and move on to college.
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